Filing Status

Filing status determines:

  • Whether you are required to file an income tax return
  • Which standard deduction to claim on your tax return
  • The tax rates and brackets that apply to your taxable income

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Choosing the proper filing status when preparing your tax return generally depends upon your marital status.   

 The five filing status choices are:

  1.  Single
  2. Married Filing Jointly
  3. Married Filing Separately
  4. Head of Household
  5. Qualifying Widow or Widower

You can file single if on December 31st you are single, regardless in you were married during the year. You may also qualify for head of household status if you claim dependents and take an exemption.  This filing status sometimes is lower than filing single.

Married Filing Jointly
Filing as married requires you to be married on December 31st and your spouse agrees to also file married and sign the income tax return. Otherwise you may have to file married filing separately.
Signing a joint tax return means you are both equally responsible for the information on the income tax return.

Married Filing Separately
Filing separeately sometimes reqults in a larger refund so calculate the tax return both ways. If you file separately, then your must file a completely separate tax return and report your own income, exemptions, and deductions.

Head of Household
Head of household filing status can result in a larger refund than filing single or separately. You must be unmarried and meet the rules for head of household.

Qualifying Widow
If you usually file married filing jointly, then you can file qualifying widow status and get a higher standard deduction than single if you mee the rules for qualifying widow.

Each taxpayer must determine the correct filing status before choosing a tax rate schedule.

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